Commitment and Understanding

Horatio Alger Association
Senior/Specialized Scholarships


All Scholars will be required to participate in a College Success Program the summer before their first year of college. The main goal of the College Success Program is for Scholars to engage in discussions and activities that will prepare them to thrive during their first year in college and beyond.

Our Scholar Services Coordinators will facilitate the College Success Program, and we will focus on topics to help prepare you for your transition to college and university.


The College Success Program will begin with one 90-minute orientation in June. Our team will offer various orientation sessions. All Scholars will need to register for and attend one of these orientation sessions.

After orientation, all Scholars are expected to participate in weekly programming that traditionally runs within June and July. The expected time commitment is four hours per week and will consist of:

  • A live, weekly 90-minute Zoom session
  • College-prep assignments submitted to the Association

If you are awarded and accept the Horatio Alger Scholarship, you will agree to complete the College Success Program (CSP). Scholars will be required to attend weekly sessions that run from June to July. All sessions are mandatory. In order to receive your funding, you must complete the College Success Program in its entirety.